Use map when you need to transform arrays
let arrayOfNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let arrayOfString = { "\($0)" }
In the context of Array map get an array, applies a transformation function to every element, and returns a new array with the resulting elements. . That's the best use case for map.
Use for loops when there are "side effects"
Without going into details an operation has a side effect if it results in some kind of state changing somewhere, for example changing the value of a variable, writing to disk, or updating the UI. In such case using a for loop is more appropriate.
for number in arrayOfNumbers {
And what about flatMap?
When you need to transform the contents of an array of arrays, into a linear array use flatMap:
let users: [User] = ...
let allEmails = users.flatMap { $0.emails }
p/s: No difference about performance.
Thanks to this
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